LLMs Cannot Reliably Identify and Reason About Security Vulnerabilities

[LLMs Cannot Reliably Identify and Reason About Security Vulnerabilities (Yet?): A Comprehensive Evaluation, Framework, and Benchmarks]

Paper summary (what)


  • The paper evaluates the reliability of Large Language Models (LLMs) in identifying and reasoning about security vulnerabilities.
  • The authors develop an automated evaluation framework, SecLLMHolmes, which tests the capability of eight state-of-the-art LLMs across 228 code scenarios.
  • They find that current LLMs, including advanced models like GPT-4 and PaLM2, show significant non-robustness and inconsistency in real-world vulnerability detection tasks.

Algorithmic structure:

  • The core of the framework is built on five key components: parameters, prompt templates, datasets, code augmentations, and an evaluator module.
  • LLMs are tested on a variety of scenarios with different complexity levels and augmented code to measure their robustness and reasoning abilities.
  • The evaluation uses a multi-dimensional approach, considering factors like determinism, prompt diversity, and real-world application.

Issues or targets addressed by the paper (Why)

  • Issue: The reliability of LLMs in detecting and reasoning about security vulnerabilities has been questioned, particularly regarding their use in automated vulnerability repair.
  • Problem: The lack of standardized and automated benchmarks to evaluate LLMs’ performance in this domain.
  • Motivation: As LLMs are increasingly integrated into development environments, it is crucial to understand their limitations and potential risks, particularly in security-related tasks.

Detailed Information (How)

Problem Setting

  • Setting: The problem is framed around the evaluation of LLMs in a classification task where they identify security vulnerabilities in code snippets.
  • Environment: The evaluation includes scenarios from two programming languages, C and Python, with varying levels of code complexity.
  • Evaluation: The LLMs are assessed across eight dimensions, including deterministic response, robustness, and reasoning capabilities.


  • Approach: The authors introduce SecLLMHolmes, an automated framework that generates test prompts, applies them to LLMs, and analyzes their responses.
  • Testing: The framework evaluates eight LLMs using 228 scenarios, which include real-world and hand-crafted examples, and tests them with 17 different prompting techniques.
  • Tools: The responses are assessed for accuracy and reasoning quality using metrics like Rouge score, cosine similarity, and human-like reasoning patterns.


  • LLMs Capabilities: The framework assumes that LLMs can be configured and tested in a controlled environment with parameters like temperature and token limits.
  • Test Integrity: It is assumed that the LLMs have not seen the test scenarios during their training phase, particularly the real-world CVEs.

Prominent Formulas or Structure

  • No specific formulas are highlighted, but the framework involves complex evaluation metrics like Rouge scores and cosine similarity to assess reasoning quality.


  • Findings: LLMs show non-deterministic behavior, providing inconsistent results under the same conditions. The reasoning provided by LLMs often lacks correctness, even when the correct vulnerability is identified.
  • Performance: The LLMs perform poorly in real-world scenarios, with high false positive rates and vulnerability misclassification when code is slightly modified.
  • Key Statistics: For example, GPT-4 and PaLM2 showed incorrect answers in 26% and 17% of cases, respectively, when minor code changes were introduced.


  • Framework Scope: The framework might not capture all potential vulnerabilities and may not generalize across all programming languages.
  • LLM Constraints: The study is limited by the specific configurations and versions of the LLMs tested, which might not represent the full capabilities of these models.
  • Real-World Relevance: While the scenarios are carefully crafted, they might not fully represent the complexity and variety of vulnerabilities in real-world software.

Confusing aspects of the paper

  • Determinism and Temperature Settings: The relationship between LLM temperature settings and their performance consistency was discussed but could benefit from more detailed explanation.


The author’s conclusions

  • The authors conclude that current LLMs are not yet reliable enough for automated security vulnerability detection, especially in real-world applications.
  • They emphasize the need for further advancements in LLMs before they can be trusted as general-purpose security assistants.

Possible future work / improvements

  • Algorithm Enhancements: Further refinement of LLMs to improve their reasoning capabilities and robustness to code modifications.
  • Expanded Framework: Incorporating more diverse programming languages and real-world scenarios into the SecLLMHolmes framework.
  • Hybrid Approaches: Combining LLMs with traditional static and dynamic analysis tools to enhance overall detection performance.

Part1. abstract


研究结果揭示了即使是最先进的模型,如’ PaLM2 ‘和’ GPT-4 ‘,也存在显著的非鲁棒性

Part2. introduction



  • 尽管所有模型的误报率都很高,但llm的能力还是决定于模型以及Prompt技术
  • llms的输出是不固定的
  • 即使正确地识别了一个漏洞,LLMs为这个决策提供的推理也往往是不正确的
  • llms的COT是不健壮的,最简单的混淆(空格,改函数名)都能对其产生影响


1. 开发了一个全面的框架SecLLMHolmes来测试LLM识别和推理软件漏洞的能力。框架是完全自动化的,包括一组228个代码场景和17种提示技术

2. 测试了8个最先进的LLM用于漏洞检测任务,表明到目前为止没有一个LLM在漏洞检测任务上取得令人满意的性能

3. 识别并列举了当前LLMs表现出的的一系列缺点。为研究人员提供了一个checklist,显示了在LLMs被认为可以在野外用于脆弱性检测任务之前需要解决的问题

Part3. Framework


\<img alt="" data-attachment-key="83K4VARW" width="552" height="349" src="attachments/83K4VARW.png" ztype="zimage">

1.LLM configuration


  • LLM-Specific Best ‘Prompting Practices’ and Rules

    • 通常根据模型文档完成
  • LLM Initialization and Configuration

  • LLM Chat Structure and Inference Function

\<img alt="" data-attachment-key="ZCL3Z288" width="616" height="326" src="attachments/ZCL3Z288.png" ztype="zimage">

2. LLM Parameters


  • temperature

    • 控制LLM输出的确定性。温度值越高,模型的输出越随机,越具创造性;温度值越低,模型输出更确定且更一致。为了评估LLM的性能,SecLLMHolmes会根据任务需求调整温度值,例如在需要确定性结果时设置较低温度。
  • top_p

    • 控制核采样(nucleus sampling),其中LLM考虑具有top p概率质量的令牌的结果。SecLLMHolmes会根据模型的具体需求调整Top P的取值,使其能够生成合适的响应。

3.Prompt Templates

  • zero-shot task-oriented (ZS - TO)
  • zero-shot role-oriented (ZS - RO)
  • few-shot task-oriented (FS - TO)
  • few-shot role-oriented (FS- RO)

\<img alt="" data-attachment-key="S3UTRTN3" width="461" height="859" src="attachments/S3UTRTN3.png" ztype="zimage">


  • 标准( S )

    • 直接向模型提供问题,要求模型判断代码中是否存在某种安全漏洞。标准提示最简单,但也可能无法激发模型的复杂推理能力
  • Step-By-step推理型后视偏差( R )

    • 使用COT推理。要求模型按照逐步推理的方式解决问题,例如使用”链式推理”(Chain of Thought,COT)方法。这种提示模拟了人类安全专家的推理过程,例如:先概览代码,再检查潜在的漏洞子组件,最后基于分析做出判断。
  • 基于定义( D )

    • 在提示中为模型提供安全漏洞的定义,并让模型基于此定义判断代码中是否存在该漏洞。这种提示为模型提供了更多背景信息,帮助其做出更精确的判断

4. Datasets


  • 手工制作的CWE场景\<img alt="" data-attachment-key="D9Y8ZVEI" width="580" height="342" src="attachments/D9Y8ZVEI.png" ztype="zimage">


  • 真实世界CVE场景

    • 该数据集包含30个真实的漏洞场景,来源于开源项目的CVE(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures,常见漏洞和暴露),确保这些场景是在当前LLMs的训练日期之后发布和修复的,以避免模型在训练中见过这些场景
  • Code Augmentations


  • Trivial Augmentations

    • 例如随机重命名函数、插入无用的代码等,测试LLM对这些噪音的鲁棒性。增强衡量了LLMs对随机噪声的鲁棒性
  • Non-Trivial Augmentations

    • 例如使用安全函数但对其进行误导性命名,测试LLM对复杂代码结构的敏感度,以测量它们的鲁棒性和对函数或变量名的语义、特定库函数或代码安全实践的偏见

5. Ground-Truth Reasoning $G_r$




\<img alt="" data-attachment-key="L3YP6CFR" width="546" height="212" src="attachments/L3YP6CFR.png" ztype="zimage">

Part3. Experimental

  • Evaluation for Deterministic Responses



  • Performance Over Range of Parameters


结果并没有随着模型温度的升高而表现出更好的性能的总体趋势。由于提高温度并不能带来整个模型结果的普遍改善,为了优先考虑结果一致性,我们选择将0.0作为剩余实验的”温度”值,并将” top_p “设置为LLM特定的默认值。

  • Diversity of Prompts



  • Evaluation Over Variety of Vulnerabilities


我们观察到,对于几乎所有的模型( pvalue = 0.003),小样本提示的表现显著优于零样本提示,而角色导向提示的表现略优于任务导向提示( p值= 0.1)

  • Code Difficulty Levels


发现( 1 ) LLMs不熟悉库函数功能的安全规范;( 2 ) LLMs不能处理复杂的多函数和多变量的数据流模式。

  • Robustness to Code Augmentations



  • Real-World Cases



零样本的面向角色的提示” R2 “对于所有的LLM都表现出相对更好的性能

Discussion & Conclusion


  • 尽管要求模型按个时候回答,但是研究者发现100个样例中还是有2个没有按照要求格式给出,这里是有隐患的
  • knowledge cut-off:之后的CVEs数据需要手动加入到框架中
  • 框架使用了3个指标衡量,选择多数结果作为最终结果,当2个同时误判时,可能出现问题
  • 文章中考虑的代码场景还需要拓展


文章作者: jingxiaoyang
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